
 Qty   Card Name   Set Name 
4+Lost LeoninMTGNewPhyrexia_013
2Lost Leonin FoilMTGNewPhyrexia_013F
4+Lost Order of JarkeldMTGICE_043
1Lost SoulMTG4ED_145
4+Lost SoulMTGLEG_111
4+Lotleth GiantMTGGuilds of Ravnica_074
4+Lotleth GiantMTGSCD_089
4+Lotleth TrollMTGReturntoRavnica_177
1Lotleth TrollMTGGuildKit1_067
1Lotleth Troll (FOIL)MTGReturntoRavnica_177F
4+Lotus BlossomMTGUrzaSaga_300
1Lotus Cobra (Art Card)MTGZNRArtCards_71
4+Lotus GuardianMTGInvasion_305
4+Lotus Path DjinnMTGFateReforged_039
1Lotus Path Djinn (FOIL)MTGFateReforged_039F
4+Lotus PetalMTGTMP_294
4+Lotus ValeMTGWTH_165
4+Lotus-Eye MysticsMTGFateReforged_017
1Lotus-Eye Mystics (FOIL)MTGFateReforged_017F
4+Lovestruck Beast // Heart's DesireMTGThrone of Eldraine_165
2Lovestruck Beast // Heart's Desire (Alternate Art)MTGThrone of Eldraine_299
1Lovestruck Beast // Heart's Desire (Foil)MTGThrone of Eldraine_165F
4+Lovisa ColdeyesMTGColdsnap_090
4+Lowland BasiliskMTGSTH_109
4+Lowland GiantMTGTMP_187
4+Lowland OafMTGLorwyn_184
4+Lowland TrackerMTGLegions_017
1Lowland Tracker FOILMTGLegions_017F
4+Loxodon AnchoriteMTGFifthDawn_010
2Loxodon Anchorite FoilMTGFifthDawn_010F
Page 629 of 1253
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