
 Qty   Card Name   Set Name 
1Jungle WayfinderMTGBattlebond_072
4+Jungle WeaverMTGShardsofAlara_134
4+Jungle WurmMTGMIR_224
4+Jungleborn PioneerMTGRivals of Ixalan_137
4+Juniper Order DruidMTGICE_251
3Juniper Order RangerMTGDDKnights_021
1Juniper Order RangerMTGCommanderAnthologyV2_158
4+Juniper Order RangerMTGMIC_153
1Junk DiverMTGMH3_293
4+Junk DiverMTGUrzaDestiny_132
4+Junk GolemMTGOdyssey_300
1Junk Golem FOILMTGOdyssey_300F
2Junk WinderMTGMKC_107
4+Junk WinderMTGBLC_169
4+JunktrollerMTGRavnica Allegiance_235
3Junktroller (Foil)MTGRAV_264F
4+Junkyo BellMTGChampions_258
4+Juntu StakesMTGInvasion_304
4+Juri, Master of the RevueMTGCMR_282
1Juri, Master of the Revue (Foil)MTGCMR_282F
4+Jushi ApprenticeMTGChampions_070
1Jushi Apprentice FOILMTGChampions_070F
1Just FateMTGP02_017
1Just the WindMTGShadows over Innistrad_071
1Just the Wind (FOIL)MTGShadows over Innistrad_071F
4+Justice StrikeMTGGuilds of Ravnica_182
4+Justiciar's PortalMTGRavnica Allegiance_013
4+Juvenile GloomwidowMTGShadowmoor_121
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