4+ | Foul Orchard | MTGKHC_110 |
2 | Foul Orchard (Planeswalker Deck) | MTGAmonkhet_279 |
3 | Foul Play | MTGMID_101 |
4+ | Foul Renewal | MTGDragonsofTarkir_101 |
1 | Foul Renewal (FOIL) | MTGDragonsofTarkir_101F |
1 | Foul Spirit | MTGP02_073 |
3 | Foul Watcher | MTGMH2_043 |
4+ | Foul-Tongue Invocation | MTGDragonsofTarkir_102 |
1 | Foul-Tongue Invocation | MTGIconicMasters_091 |
1 | Foul-Tongue Invocation (FOIL) | MTGIconicMasters_091F |
4+ | Foul-Tongue Shriek | MTGDragonsofTarkir_103 |
4+ | Foulmire Knight // Profane Insight | MTGThrone of Eldraine_090 |
4+ | Foulmire Knight // Profane Insight (Alternate Art) | MTGThrone of Eldraine_286 |
4+ | Foundry Assembler | MTGAether Revolt_151 |
4+ | Foundry Champion | MTGGatecrash_165 |
4+ | Foundry Champion (FOIL) | MTGGatecrash_165F |
4+ | Foundry Champion (FOIL) Prerelease | MTGGatecrash_165P |
2 | Foundry Helix | MTGMH2_196 |
1 | Foundry Helix (Foil) | MTGMH2_196F |
1 | Foundry Hornet | MTGAether Revolt_059 |
0 | Foundry Inspector (Foil) | MTGCMR_310F |
1 | Foundry of the Consuls | MTGCommander2018_248 |
4+ | Foundry Screecher | MTGKaladesh_082 |
4+ | Foundry Street Denizen | MTGGatecrash_092 |
4+ | Foundry Street Denizen | MTGMagic2015_141 |
4+ | Foundry Street Denizen (FOIL) | MTGGatecrash_092F |
1 | Foundry Street Denizen (FOIL) | MTGMagic2015_141F |
4+ | Fountain of Cho | MTGMercMasq_317 |
4+ | Fountain of Ichor | MTGModernHorizons_223 |
4+ | Fountain of Youth | MTGCHR_098 |