4+ | Crippling Chill | MTGKhansofTarkir_035 |
4+ | Crippling Fatigue | MTGTorment_058 |
2 | Crippling Fatigue Foil | MTGTorment_058F |
4+ | Crippling Fear | MTGSCD_072 |
1 | Crisis of Conscience (Extended Art) | MTGWHO_337 |
2 | Croaking Counterpart | MTGMID_215 |
1 | Croaking Counterpart (Foil) | MTGMID_215F |
4+ | Crocanura | MTGGatecrash_116 |
3 | Crocanura (FOIL) | MTGGatecrash_116F |
4+ | Crocodile of the Crossing | MTGAmonkhet_162 |
1 | Cromat | MTGApocalypse_094 |
4+ | Crook of Condemnation | MTGHour of Devastation_159 |
4+ | Crookclaw Elder | MTGLegions_034 |
1 | Crookclaw Elder FOIL | MTGLegions_034F |
4+ | Crookclaw Transmuter | MTGTimespiral_055 |
4+ | Crookclaw Transmuter | MTGConspiracy_094 |
2 | Crookclaw Transmuter | MTGTSR_059 |
2 | Crookclaw Transmuter Foil | MTGTimespiral_055f |
4+ | Crooked Scales | MTGMercMasq_291 |
4+ | Crookshank Kobolds | MTGLEG_141 |
4+ | Crop Rotation | MTGUrzaLegacy_098 |
1 | Crop Rotation | MTGCommander2020_169 |
1 | Crop Rotation (Borderless) | MTGDoubleMasters_349 |
1 | Crop Rotation (Foil) | MTGDMR_154F |
2 | Crop Sigil | MTGEldritch Moon_153 |
2 | Crosis, the Purger | MTGCommander2017_168 |
1 | Crosis's Catacombs (Foil) | MTGDMR_242F |
4+ | Crosis’s Attendant | MTGInvasion_300 |
4+ | Crosis’s Catacombs | MTGPlaneshift_136 |
1 | Crosis’s Catacombs FOIL | MTGPlaneshift_136F |