
 Qty   Card Name   Set Name 
4+Calciform PoolsMTGTimespiral_270
1Calciform PoolsMTGTSR_275
1Calciform Pools FoilMTGTimespiral_270F
4+Calcite SnapperMTGWorldwake_025
2Calculated DismissalMTGMagicOrigins_048
4+Calculating Lich (FOIL)MTGGameNight2019_003F
1Caldaia GuardianMTGNCC_056
4+Caldera HellionMTGShardsofAlara_095
4+Caldera KavuMTGPlaneshift_058
4+Caldera LakeMTGTMP_316
3Calibrated BlastMTGMH2_118
1Calibrated Blast (Old-Frame)MTGMH2_405
4+Caligo Skin-WitchMTGDominaria_080
1Call for BloodMTGBetrayers_063
4+Call of the ConclaveMTGReturntoRavnica_146
1Call of the ConclaveMTGGuildKit1_109
1Call of the Conclave (FOIL)MTGReturntoRavnica_146F
1Call of the Conclave (FOIL)MTGFNM_F13_04
3Call of the Death-Dweller (FOIL)MTGIkoria_078F
1Call of the Full MoonMTGMagicOrigins_134
4+Call of the HerdMTGOdyssey_231
4+Call of the HerdMTGTimeshifted_074
1Call of the HerdMTGModernMasters2017_121
2Call of the HerdMTGDDS_044
1Call of the Herd FoilMTGTimeshifted_074F
4+Call of the NightwingMTGGatecrash_149
1Call of the NightwingMTGGuildKit1_008
1Call of the Nightwing (FOIL)MTGGatecrash_149F
4+Call of the WildMTGWTH_122
1Call the BloodlineMTGShadows over Innistrad_103
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