
 Qty   Card Name   Set Name 
2Wall of Swords FoilMTG8ED_056F
4+Wall of TanglecordMTGScarsofMirrodin_222
1Wall of Tanglecord FoilMTGScarsofMirrodin_222F
4+Wall of TearsMTGSTH_050
2Wall of TombstonesMTGLEG_129
4+Wall of TorchesMTGMagic2012_159
4+Wall of VaporMTGCHR_027
4+Wall of VaporMTGLEG_084
4+Wall of VinesMTGMagic2011_199
4+Wall of VinesMTGCore Set 2019_210
4+Wall of VipersMTGProphecy_080
4+Wall of WonderMTGCHR_028
4+Wall of WonderMTGLEG_085
2Wallop FoilMTGInvasion_223F
4+Wand of DenialMTGVIS_159
4+Wand of IthMTGDRK_114
4+Wand of the ElementsMTGDarksteel_158
2Wand of the Elements FoilMTGDarksteel_158F
4+Wand of VertebraeMTGGuilds of Ravnica_242
4+Wander in DeathMTGAmonkhet_115
4+Wanderbrine RootcuttersMTGShadowmoor_178
3Wanderbrine Rootcutters  FOILMTGShadowmoor_178F
4+Wanderer's InterventionMTGNEO_041
1Wanderer's Intervention (Foil)MTGNEO_041F
4+Wanderer's StrikeMTGWar of the Spark_038
1Wanderer's Strike (FOIL)MTGWar of the Spark_038F
4+Wanderer's TwigMTGLorwyn_265
4+Wanderer's Twig  FOILMTGLorwyn_265F
4+Wanderguard SentryMTGMirrodin_056
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