4+ | Unnatural Hunger | MTGMercMasq_169 |
4+ | Unnatural Predation | MTGMirrodinBesieged_093 |
1 | Unnatural Predation Foil | MTGMirrodinBesieged_093F |
4+ | Unnatural Selection | MTGApocalypse_032 |
4+ | Unnerve | MTGUrzaSaga_162 |
1 | Unnerve | MTGCommander_105 |
4+ | Unnerve | MTGBattleRoyale_091 |
1 | Unnerve | MTGCommanderAnthologyV2_081 |
4+ | Unnerving Assault | MTGEventide_114 |
1 | Unnerving Assault FOIL | MTGEventide_114F |
4+ | Unpredictable Cyclone | MTGIkoria_139 |
4+ | Unquenchable Thirst | MTGHour of Devastation_053 |
1 | Unquenchable Thirst (FOIL) | MTGHour of Devastation_053F |
4+ | Unquestioned Authority | MTGJudgment_031 |
4+ | Unquestioned Authority | MTGConspiracy_085 |
2 | Unquestioned Authority | MTGCommander2018_078 |
4+ | Unquestioned Authority (Commander Deck) | MTGCMR_389 |
2 | Unquestioned Authority FOIL | MTGJudgment_031F |
3 | Unraveling Mummy | MTGHour of Devastation_147 |
4+ | Unruly Mob | MTGInnistrad_039 |
4+ | Unruly Mob | MTGMID_040 |
4+ | Unseen Walker | MTGMIR_249 |
4+ | Unshakable Tail | MTGMKC_029 |
4+ | Unspeakable Symbol | MTGScourge_079 |
3 | Unspeakable Symbol Foil | MTGScourge_079F |
4+ | Unstable Footing | MTGZendikar_153 |
3 | Unstable Footing Foil | MTGZendikar_153F |
4+ | Unstable Frontier | MTGConflux_145 |
4+ | Unstable Hulk | MTGLegions_115 |
2 | Unstable Hulk Foil | MTGLegions_115F |