
 Qty   Card Name   Set Name 
4+Tunnel IgnusMTGScarsofMirrodin_105
1Tunnel Ignus FoilMTGScarsofMirrodin_105F
4+Tunnel VisionMTGRAV_072
4+Tunnel Vision (Foil)MTGRAV_072F
4+Tunneler WurmMTGJudgment_135
4+Turbulent DreamsMTGTorment_049
4+Turf WoundMTGInvasion_177
4+Turn // BurnMTGDragonsMaze_134
1Turn // BurnMTGGuildKit1_045
2Turn AgainstMTGBattle for Zendikar_135
4+Turn AsideMTGScarsofMirrodin_049
4+Turn AsideMTGEldritch Moon_078
2Turn Aside FoilMTGScarsofMirrodin_049F
4+Turn into a PumpkinMTGThrone of Eldraine_069
3Turn the EarthMTGMID_205
1Turn the Earth (Foil)MTGMID_205F
4+Turn the TablesMTGDarksteel_018
4+Turn the TideMTGMirrodinBesieged_035
4+Turn the TideMTGConspiracy_110
4+Turn the Tide FoilMTGMirrodinBesieged_035F
4+Turn to DustMTGMirrodin_137
3Turn to Dust FoilMTGMirrodin_137F
4+Turn to FrogMTGMagic2012_078
4+Turn to FrogMTGMagic2015_081
1Turn to Frog FoilMTGMagic2012_078F
4+Turn to MistMTGShadowmoor_155
1Turn to MistMTGUltimateMasters_224
4+Turn to Mist  FOILMTGShadowmoor_155F
4+Turn to SlagMTGMagic2013_153
4+Turn to SlagMTGScarsofMirrodin_106
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